Thursday, May 12, 2011

Worry . . .

Remember my mint? I was slightly worried about it being killed off by the late freeze/snow storm?

Yeah it's doing swell . . .

I pretty much have to cut it back every 12 hours . . .

I'm trying to come up with new and exciting ways to use it! 

Needless to say you should expect to see some mint recipes coming up soon.

Oh and tarragon recipes. Lots and lots of tarragon recipes! I actually cut the top 7 inches off of this 3 days ago. It's growing like a teenage boy . . .

And thyme! Oodles and oodles of thyme! I like this thyme. It's French thyme. I've been noticing a lot of English thyme at the nurseries lately. It's . . . disappointing . . . When it comes to the herbs I'm a francophile. French tarragon and French thyme are the way to go. . .

Oh and here's how other stuff is going . . .

The rosemary is doing it's best! It's really attempting a comeback! Hopefully its more Betty White than Gary Busey.

The sage is going to make it! I may have to put a cage around it to keep out the tarragon and thyme! Seriously, they're such bullies! Yes, I just used the term bully to describe something french. There's gotta be a first time for everything . . .

Oh and the flat leaf parsley situation is under control.

Cilantro! Glorious cilantro! I planted cilantro seeds this year and they really did nothing. So my beloved bought me a couple of big bushy plants for Mother's Day. When I went out to plant it what did I discover? Little cilantro plants coming up! My cup runneth over! I suspect I won't have enough though. Is there ever enough cilantro? Seriously?

Same with the basil! Nada! Nothing! Until I went to plant my new bushes! Then WHOOP there it is . . .

I'm worried . . .

My son is leaving for his Air Force Basic Training.

Who will take care of him?

Who will make him brisket?

Who will give him ibuprofen?

What if in the middle of a stressful situation he yells "Yes, Mother!" instead of "Yes, Drill Sergeant!"

What if he doesn't graduate?

What if he DOES graduate?

Do you know how much these herbs will grow during a 7 day trip?

It'll be a jungle!

Can I hire an herb sitter?

What about the cat?

How mortified will my Gentle Giant be when I cry the whole time? (I can't even make it through the National Anthem at a baseball game without choking up and getting teary eyed!)

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