Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Chick Beer

Wine is nice. Cocktails are lovely. But I, I prefer BEER!  I'm just genetically predisposed due to my Irish and German heritage I think . . . this is also how I explain why I've never met a potato I didn't like!  I am currently particularly fond of these three.  Besides, their labels are so attractive together--don't you think?  Their flavor profiles fall along lines that I find popular with women. I really know nothing much about beer other than what my dear friend Amy has taught me! The best part is when her and her husband are brewing a batch and my husband and I get to sit there and do quality control!  Quality control duties are very important.  You have to help them read the really tiny instructions on the beer kit. Stir the pot during restroom breaks. Make sure everybody has a nice cold beer in hand. It's all about priorities! Amy's a chemical engineer and loves to talk all about the hydrometers and carbonation and technical beer stuff.  We're always drinking beer while she's trying to educate me though so I'm afraid I haven't picked up too much of the finer points of beer. Today let's focus on an "easy" beer. Easy to like, easy to drink, my husband would call it "chick beer" . . .

Leinenkugel's Berry Weisse is quite possibly the prettiest beer on the market.  The beautiful pink, purple, and gold labeled bottle contains a rosy hued, sparkling confection of a beer. I have learned over the years that if I'm in a "wine cooler" type of mood I need to look for a wheat beer that mentions some sort of fruit.  This beer fits that bill. It does have some wheat in the malt. The hops are very muted so there's very little of the bitterness you expect from a Budweiser, for example. It's flavored with logan, elder, and blackberries. What's not to like?  It's also a relatively low alcohol beer so it's perfect for picnics and BBQ's.  You can even serve it over ice! We will choose to ignore the calorie count though because you're paying a price for all that sweetness.  Sweet, crisp, bubbly, and not bitter at all.  I'll be pouring a few of these this summer when the heat goes over 90 F and it's time for a BBQ!

Right now I'm pouring these because I like to close my eyes and pretend it's summer!


  1. Okay, while all that sounds pretty good, I'm still not convinced. You know I'm not really a beer drinker, but I love the idea of it. It sounds way too good to be true. It might take the sharing of one of these with a good friend to help convince me...

  2. You almost have me convinced Deb! Almost.....

  3. I love how you talk about the labels! That's pretty much how I choose wine. Anyhow...who are you kidding!? You're just a technical (if not more so) than I am about the brewing process. :)

  4. LOL Amy! I do enjoy reading instructions and am quite the task master about them. I loved comparing ambers with you! I may have to post about Nutcracker Ale but I feel so cruel since it's not available now. I located one beautiful bottle of it. It's beautiful on the outside and inside!

  5. I almost bought a wine last year because it was pink and had a cat on it! I was on my way to a GNO though so I didn't want to leave it in the car!
