Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Anti-Chick Beer

Oh look at the pretty beer with a puppy dog on it! Isn't it cute? Why the website says that it's delicious with everything from chocolate to seafood. I LOVE chocolate and seafood why not give it a try! 
Blech! Beers, labeled as porters or stouts should be avoided at all costs in my opinion! They are dark nutty brown in color and bitter as heck. But what do you do if you find yourself somewhere with a beer that is too bitter for you? This is a BEER EMERGENCY! What are you to do with that stuff you still have in your glass?

This is where we use our mad balancing skills.  You may recall my discussion of the tongue and what it can taste? We mainly taste bitterness, sweetness, saltiness, and sourness.  The nice thing is that some of these counteract each other.  Sweetness counter acts sourness--think lemonade. Generally, I enjoy lemonade more than I enjoy a glass of sugar water or a glass of lemon water. The same works with salt and bitterness. You add salt to eggplant because it leaches out the natural bitterness. If you find yourself with anything that's a little too bitter try adding a little salt.

There that's better.  But I wasn't done with this beer yet. I had counteracted the bitterness some but it was still too deeply flavored for me and the sour notes were getting to me too.  Hmm . . .

Ah about 1/2 a cup of apple cider will add a nice sweet fruitiness.  We practically have a cocktail at this point! Orange juice would be a delicious substitution too. All cocktails need a little . . .

ICE! Now it's icy cold, bitter sweet, and not quite as strong tasting as it was.  I find myself stuck with 4 of these babies from a variety pack so I'll be trying them in a little beer bread later in the week.  Wish me luck!


  1. That's why I cook with that beer. Braised ribs perhaps.

  2. I love how you apply what we learn in Bible Class to your beer blog! :P

  3. Hey Bob! I do like seafood and beef cooked in beer but I fear that the Bully Porter is still too bitter for me. I may have to freeze it in half cup servings and add it in smaller doses. Ally's making a pot roast tomorrow and I think I'll have her add a little of it to it.

  4. Hey Amy! Bible Class? Are we talking about the bitterness of sin and the salt of the Gospel? Freshen up my mind girl!

  5. Gotta say, I'm one of those girls who likes stouts. It's pretty much all I'll drink. :) With that said though, Brian brought home one of those Bully Porters and it was AWFUL! I'm new to this whole beer thing so maybe I can do stouts but not porters? Who knows. But I may have to try out your tricks here on the lone bottle sitting in the fridge.

  6. I tried a bottle of it in a beer bread recipe and it was tolerable but still a little bitter. A dash of it might make a cheese sauce taste interesting--like a beer cheese soup! I tried to read up on the differences between stouts and porters and there's not much. I have actually drank and enjoyed a Guiness Stout before but this Bully Porter is way too bitter for me!

  7. Not to fond of the Bully either, but mmm...mmm... it will be yummy in that bear bread!
