Thursday, February 10, 2011

Boulevard Chocolate Ale

Oh . . . my! Be still, my heart  . . .

I am breathless . . .

. . . with your beautiful chocolate smudges on the label . . .

. . . and Christopher Elbow helped make you??? . . .

The Boulevard Smokestacks are always strong. They're aged you know . . . brings up the alcohol content . . .

I can't wait to open you! . . . but I must . . .

The nice man at the liquor store said only one! . . . One for you! . . . Who to share it with?

With that 9.1% alcohol level you're twice as strong as a LOT of beers out there. So I better share you!

My husband won't appreciate you . . . this is clearly beer for chicks! I mean it's CHOCOLATE Ale after all,
What if . . . what if I don't like you?
SOLUTION! Drink somebody else's Chococlate Ale

My son decided that he wanted to have a bottle of this beer too so he went and bought one for himself!
With the recklessness of youth he went ahead and opened it up at the first opportunity . . .

. . . and he shared!
 Maybe today's youth aren't so bad after all . . .

When you open up your champagne style bottle of Boulevard's Chocolate Ale you will be hit by a wave of chocolate aroma.  It smells like a warm glass full of Hershey's Chocolate Syrup!  It smells like giant pans of warm brownies! 

I'm thinking Christopher Elbow needs to work on an aftershave!

The color is a beautiful tawny, milk chocolatey sort of color. The foam is dense and creamy.

On the first sip I was completely fooled! I thought--it's as sweet as chocolate syrup!
Then the bitterness of raw cocoa hit my tongue.
I tasted the roasted malty smokey notes.
A bit of acid from natural cocoa.
Bitterness from hops and alkalized or "dutched" cocoa.  Sort of like eating unsweetened chocolate. 
As the alcohol warms in your mouth it starts to evaporate and you are once again engulfed in chocolate aromas!
After several tastes tests I have to say this beer doesn't contain one ounce of sweetness in it. But it smells sweet as heaven.  If it wasn't "chocolate" I would say this is definitely MAN beer.  But it is chocolate. So feed it to your man and give him a great big KISS!
Or pour it over ice cream . . .
Final opinion? It's unique, one of a kind, but for this chick one is enough.


  1. You are making want to go home and open mine right now!

  2. You can drink it and give your sweetie chocolate scented kisses!
