Monday, April 18, 2011

Deviled Eggs

Happy Holy Week!

Time to make the Easter Eggs or Spring Spheres if that's how you roll . . . uhm . . . wobble . . .

I don't know about you but my kiddos are expecting to each dye about a dozen of these things. We are talking about dozens of hard boiled eggs in the house! What to do? Well here in Missouri a lot of people LOVE deviled eggs so I thought I'd give 'em a shot.

How do you boil your eggs?

When I told one lady how I boiled mine she laughed at me and accused me of thinking she was an idiot! Seriously, she thought I was lying! At that time I didn't realize my way was "weird." After the passing of many moons my favorite cooking magazine came out with this exciting new way to cook hard boiled eggs . . . it was my family's way.

I submerge mine in water . . .

. . . and bring them to a boil. Nothing shocking!

There it is a nice hard rolling boil! Things are splashing around in there. I'm not looking for gentle movement on the top. If you stuck a thermometer in there you'd fine that the whole small bubbly thing happens well below the 212 deg. F mark!

Now put a lid on it and turn off the heat! If you're on an electric stove go ahead and take it off that burner. In 10 minutes you'll have beautiful firm yellow centers!

Why was she so shocked? I still don't understand!

Now since I'm skipping that whole egg dye thing I'm going to give these a little crack before I submerge them in some nice cold water to cool. The water seeps in and helps them peel.

Time to peel them!

Goodness, I need a manicure! I blame it on the cleaning, I cleaned house last Friday and I'm still recovering.

There we go! Not perfect but not too bad either! My dear father used to take the eggs out of the fridge and let them come to room temperature before boiling them. He said it made them easier to peel. I just get too impatient with my eggs.

Let's get devilling! Cut each one in half. Notice there's no green edge around the yolk? Overcooking causes that. It also gives that sulfurous quality eggs have a head start.

Pop it out!

Make sure to use your finest serving trays . . .

There! I made 10 eggs. I couldn't get myself to use the full dozen. I always want to save eggs for emergencies . . . I feel truly unprepared without at least a dozen eggs in the refrigerator!

Add some mayonnaise!

Then add some more because I don't ever add enough the first time . . .

Now I wanted a sort of plain Jane egg. I have big plans for them you see so I need the filling to be a little innocuous. So I took the simple route and just added rice wine vinegar. It's seasoned with salt and sugar already so it basically fixes them right up.

It's a little lumpy! If I had some lovely onions chopped up in there it'd be no problem. I'm neurotic so . . .

. . . so I squished them through a strainer. I'm sorry, I have issues . . .

My filling was very smooth so I stuck it in a bag, cut off the corner, and filled the eggs!

Aren't they pretty? Well maybe not. They're plain. They're a blank canvas! Remember I kept the filling plain? Let's garnish! I tried several.

Roasted red bell pepper and a little chunk or blue cheese, It was pretty but unanimous consent said the cheese was too big. So if this sounds good to you make the blue cheese more sprinkly! It'd be prettier to see more of the red bell pepper anyway!

So I tried the traditional sprinkle. Well I used chipotle pepper and it was tasty but you'd need a ramped up egg filling to make it truly delicious.

Red onion was good!

A little sliced mango pickle was rather nice. If you like that sort of thing.

I liked the smoked oyster! But then you kind of gotta be into smoked oyster to enjoy this . . .

Now this was tasty! A sprinkle of chipotle pepper, a sprig of cilantro and sliced roasted red bell pepper! All that was missing was a little onion.

Can you tell I'm deeply attached to onions in my deviled eggs? How could I go so wrong and leave them out?

These were tasty! A dab of cocktail sauce and itsy bitsy precooked shrimp!

Have you seen these before? Little 4 oz packets of tiny shrimp goodness! Perfect for hordourves, salads, and cat treats. I paid $1.50 for the bag. That's right you can serve a shrimp appetizer to a bunch of people for cheap!

Now it was time for me to whip out my secret ingredient! There is one condiment that raises hard boiled eggs to delicious heights. It just changes them. It makes them! I don't know why it's so good!

WASABI! Yes, wasabi in a tube can change the entire way you feel about hard boiled eggs! It's just yummy. Besides, wasabi is just fun to say! WASABI-I-I-I!

This is by far the FAVORITE egg of the night! That dollop of wasabi has the perfect hit of bitterness and nose clearing heat to balance the richness of the egg. The shrimp is a briny jewel of goodness on top!

Plus it's really the prettiest too!

So when you're making your deviled eggs try adding something new to them!


  1. Deb,
    Must be a NE thing...I too, cook my eggs the same way. Many have been perplexed by my egg ways. But I have to say, they always come out just lovely!

  2. What about the brisket? It was like steak and eggs all at once! It was my favorite. Although, I must say, I didn't try the wasabi or oyster. I don't think I would've cared for them though.

    And my mom and aunt were from Kansas and they left them for 12 minutes. Never underdone.

    And I'm still perplexed by the rice wine vinegar.

  3. Hehehe! Hmm, maybe she was sheltered? I liked the ones with bits of brisket too but I forgot to take a picture of them! Good way to use up leftover brisket . . . but who has leftover brisket?
